UK Business Startup Podcast

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Podcast by - Matthew McLean & Colin Gray

UK Business Startup Podcast

Welcome to UK Business Startup. The podcast dedicated to helping you get started with your own business venture. Whether you’re looking to create a company with staff and premises, or just make some additional income as a freelancer in your spare time, this is the show for you. In each episode we’re going to dive into the nuts and bolts of a particular topic, breaking things down into bite sized and easy to understand chunks. We’ve enlisted the help of some trusted accountants, financial advisers, marketers, authors, and fellow business owners to bring a tonne of experience and advise to the table. And pulling everything together is the host, our very own Colin Gray.

Latest episodes

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29 August 2017

Introducing the Hostile Worlds Podcast

Here at The Podcast Host we've been hard at work recently, creating a new highly-produced podcast. It's called Hostile Worlds, an it's an audio drama/space documentary hybrid. If that's right up your street, or if you just want a taster of how something like that might sound, then here's a little teaser for you… Join […]



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29 August 2016

7. Should You Start Your Own Business?

The dream of starting your own business is probably the reason you're listening to this podcast. It's important to weigh up a few things before you throw yourself into any new venture though. Running a business isn't for everyone, and there's a couple of reasons why you might want to consider staying in employment instead. […]



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15 August 2016

6. Networking

Just because you're self-employed doesn't mean you have to go it alone in business. Joining or building a network of fellow professionals can be hugely beneficial to you for a number of reasons. Despite this, many people still shy away from networking events. Some common excuses for this include… I'd feel awkward I wouldn't know […]



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01 August 2016

5. Managing Your Workload

Going from employee to self-employed means you are now in charge of what you do, when you do it. Whilst this can be liberating, it can also be intimidating, and lead you towards working 14+ hours a day because there will always be something that needs done. On the one hand you need to be doing […]



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18 July 2016

4. Taking on Staff

How do you know when you're ready to take on staff in your new business? Are you ever actually “ready” to take such a step? That's the basis of this episode, as our assembled panel of experts and business owners offer you their own tips and advice for taking on staff. Whether you're a sole […]



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04 July 2016

3. Marketing Your Business

There's a good chance that you're going to have to act as a marketer in your new business along with all the other hats you'll be wearing, at least in the early days. But without drumming up interest in what you have to offer, letting people know your out there, and ultimately making sales, you […]



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